Hello from Spain: I just discovered your blog and I really like the variety of issues that you that you write about education. At this point I am very interested these reflections so I created a blog dedicated young people and their use of new technologies. I invite you to visit: http://cativodixital.blogspot.com.es/ If you want we kept in touch. I already made me a follower of your blog.
Βραβειάκι εισαγώμενο με πολύ αγάπη!
Hello from Spain: I just discovered your blog and I really like the variety of issues that you that you write about education. At this point I am very interested these reflections so I created a blog dedicated young people and their use of new technologies. I invite you to visit: http://cativodixital.blogspot.com.es/ If you want we kept in touch. I already made me a follower of your blog.